Pentair SUDMO
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Manufacturers We Offer

Pentair Südmo provides premium hygienic and aseptic technology solutions that deliver maximum process safety, durability and reduced maintenance by applying extensive R&D work, new design concepts and innovative construction materials.

Single-Seat Valves
Pentair Südmo´s SVP FILL valve range for hygienic and aseptic processes includes a design that is ideal for product handling in filling machines.

Mix-Proof Valves
Mixproof process valve for use and automation in a wide range of applications for the food, dairy, pharmaceutical, and beverage industries.
Data Sheet and Catalog:

Valve Manifolds
Pentair Südmo Valve Manifolds offer professional design, combined with the highest processing quality and permit optimum cleaning for perfect product quality.

Haffmans CO2 Products
Pentair Haffmans delivers customized CO2 technology solutions for food and beverage and industrial markets. Pentair Haffmans supplies quality control equipment, micro-filtration, carbon dioxide (CO2), and biogas upgrading systems. We focus on optimizing our customers’ processes and partnering with them to achieve their sustainability and performance goals.
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We carry a variety of products that are not featured here.
Please reach out to our experts to learn about the complete list of products we offer.